Foucault Legacy {1.4}

24/10/2010 § Leave a comment

Xander was talking to Tamara Donner, one of his many female friends (actually, now that I thought about it, most of the people he knew were girls), and given his Commitment Issues, I didn’t like it. But I was too tired to be mad at him.

Through the wall, I heard him say, “No, I can’t, I’m engaged. And I’m just not attracted to you.”
Yes! That would show that…Well, you know. She was ugly anyway, I don’t know why I was worrying.

The next morning, Xan was being sweet and made us breakfast. Homemade waffles, yum!

Xander made a very inappropriate forum post, but I stayed out of it and just minded my own business. He was naturally Inappropriate, and Hot-Headed, so this kind of thing happened a lot.

Xander won $1 000 in an eating contest, which we used to furnish the baby’s room (if it was a girl, I’d just make it all pink, but I really hoped for a boy). Xan’s precious TV would have to wait.

Boys are so gross; Xander clogged the toilet, so I made him unclog it himself. And then I had him clean the disgusting sink, which was also his doing.

I was getting pretty big, the baby was due any day now. I suddenly realized that I knew nothing about parenthood, and it’s not like my parents were too great at it, so I had nowhere to look for help. Plus, we didn’t have much money. All these doubts starting popping up in my head, and I started to sob.

Xan heard me crying and came to console me. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked as he hugged me.
“What if we’re not good parents? What if our kid hates us or something?” I worried. He stroked my hair and told me not to worry, that we’d make good parents. I supposed I had to trust him, but I was still afraid.

At 8:00 am the next morning, I went into labour! I chose to have a homebirth, because it’s more natural and cozier.

Everyone, welcome our little boy! Xander and I wanted to give him an uncommon name, and we agreed on Loborio. Loborio Foucault, our perfect little bundle of joy. I felt surges of positive energy and love flowing in me, and I started to cry tears of joy. Xander said I was glowing.

Loborio Foucault
Traits: Perceptive, Eccentric
Favourites: Roots, French Toast, Irish Green

Foucault Legacy {1.3}

12/10/2010 § Leave a comment

I still needed more Logic for work, so I got tickets to see the famous chess player, Argyle Sinclair, at the bookstore.

While I was at the bookstore, Xander got caught doing certain illegal activities at work (I hadn’t been able to talk him out of quitting his job as a criminal thus far), and was sent to jail. Not for very long–only a few hours–but still, I couldn’t have him in and out of jail once the baby came, it wouldn’t be good for our family. He needed more Athletic skill for his job, so he decided to work out to pass the time in the slammer. After watching the chess player, my Logic increased, and I got promoted to Ectoplasm Cleaner! Unfortunately, I didn’t go back to work for 6 days, due to my being pregnant and all.

I learned very quickly that part of being pregnant meant being exhausted almost one hundred percent of the time, much to my dismay.

I decided I didn’t want to be one of those moms who went out or got takeout or had TV dinners all the time, so I started working on my cooking skills. I made a simple Autumn salad, to avoid potentially burning the house down, and I gotta say, for being the first meal I ever cooked, it was pretty good!

When I was finished eating, Xander got home. I finally told him about the baby, and he seemed pretty excited about it. That was a relief–given his Commitment Issues and just a kind of vibe I got from him, I was afraid he’d leave me.

“Will you marry me, Fayme?” Xander asked, almost immediately after.
I was so excited, I literally shrieked. “Yes, yes, a million times yes!”
The ring was so sparkly and gorgeous, and it felt like it was meant to be on my finger when I put it on. He’d probably stolen it–he was a criminal, after all–and I’d yell at him later for that, but I was too caught up in the moment to care. I was going to be a bride! He really loved me. I’d never been in love with someone who loved me back, not before Xander.

“I love you so much.” I said, burrowing my face in his shoulder.
“I love you too, and this baby.” he replied softly, and I could tell he was being sincere. This was the man I was going to spend my life with, raise a beautiful family with, go through good times and bad with, and eventually, die with. And I was readier than I’d ever been.

Foucault Legacy {1.2}

03/10/2010 § Leave a comment

I was pregnant, and didn’t have much money, so I decided to brush up on my logic skill. Apparently you need logic to be a ghost hunter.

Xander got home at about 4 PM. I greeted him with a hug and he whispered softly in my ear, “I love you. I love our life, I don’t want anything to change.”
Wonderful. I couldn’t tell him I was pregnant, not after he just said that! It wasn’t the right time. I decided to put it off for a little while. I had to go to work anyway, I had my first spirit invasion!

See that weird-looking green thing? That’s the first spirit I ever caught. It was old and jealous, and worth $400! I was exhausted after banishing spirits from two houses (I finished at midnight), but before I went home I made a stop at the Science Lab and sold all eight spirits for a total of $868. We had $1 368 now! I used some of it to start working on the baby’s room.

That was the baby’s room so far. We didn’t have enough money for the furniture or anything yet, but that was okay, it wasn’t like the baby was coming tomorrow.

Morning sickness was the most wonderful thing in the world! Yea…not really. It was disgusting and acidic, and it made my eyes water. I wondered how long I’d have morning sickness. Hopefully not long, it was unbearable, and Xander would probably get suspicious.

I noticed a small, hardly visible bump for the first time. I was naturally really skinny, so I tended to notice even the smallest weight gain. I rubbed my belly. I kind of hoped for a boy, that’s why the nursery was blue. I’d just recolor it pink if it was a girl. Xander was at work; I planned to tell him when he got home.

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